As I mentioned on the home page, I am an ex-detective with a specialism in online investigations. It is important to me that you feel you can trust who you are employing to be both competent and discreet, so let me tell you a little bit about myself and my story.
I joined the police in 2017 as what is known as a Neighbourhood Beat Officer for Orchard Park in Hull. Think of my role there as the classic "bobby on the beat". During my time there I worked to do my part in both enforcing the law and trying to address some of the regular problems in the area. It was there that I learned a great deal about conflict management, conflict resolution, and problem solving solutions. More than anything else, I found that being willing to simply talk to people was the most effective way of both learning about and addressing problems.
In 2019, I moved from Neighbourhood Policing to investigations, taking and passing the National Investigator's Exam, which kick started the process of my becoming a detective. As part of my training, I learned advanced interviewing techniques for both witnesses and suspects, the legalities and procedures of producing complex investigative evidence at court, and much more. I spent my time working in the Criminal Investigations Department (CID). The CID investigated serious and complex cases such as robberies, burglaries, the supply of drugs, domestic abuse, and fraud. As I am sure you can imagine, with Covid fully hitting it was a very busy time!
In 2022 I moved from the CID to the Police Online Investigations Team. In that team I spent my days searching for, arresting, and assisting in the prosecution of online paedophiles who were distributing indecent images of children over the internet. Not only did this give me a very good grounding in online investigations, I also took a further piece of training known as the Digital Media Investigators course to make myself one of a small number of specialists in the force who were able to advise others on the digital methods they could use to enhance their own investigations.
Finally, in 2023, I decided that it was time for me to leave the force and take my hard-won skills to the private sector. Wanting to be my own boss, I set up Avalon Investigations, and this website.
I hope that gives you a little bit of a flavour of my skills and training. It is easy to spin a story without providing any evidence of it however, I have sat in enough interviews with suspects to know that! As such, I have attached to this page the relevant certifications and qualifications that I earned as I went through my career in the police. This is by no means a complete list of the training that I underwent, but it highlights my skillsets, and it's not really relevant anymore that I was qualified to use the police sirens and lights to pull someone over whilst in a police car - I don't have one any more!
In the UK, the private detective industry is unregulated. This means that anyone can claim that they are a PI if they want to. In order to ensure that you are hiring a good quality investigator, several trade groups have arisen. Their purpose is to ensure that PIs who are members of their trade groups hold themselves to high standards of investigative quality and ethical commitment. They only allow those they trust to be members, and should someone fall short of their standards, they are held to account or removed from the trade group.
I am a member of one such prestigious trade group, the Institute of Professional Investigators. Should you wish to know more about them, please click the button below.
All members of the IPI subscribe to an ethical code of conduct, and manage our investigations in accordance with this code. Should you wish to see this professional code, it is also attached as a document at the bottom of this page. It bears noting that these codes are in addition to the laws laid down by the government as an extra level of professionalism beyond that which is required to generally practice in the UK.